One Ebony Voice

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Men Love Darkness Rather than Light:
Hannah Montana The Movie Critics

What do you say about a commentary about movie critics rather than a commentary about a movie? Is that unusual? I think so. But after reading comments around the Internet about Disney's Hannah Montana movie, (that included comments on the character, tv show and overall franchise), it became more interesting to write about critics of the movie than about the movie itself.

To say that there is opposition to the existence of "Hannah Montana" would be an understatement. However, what is interesting is that when reading criticism of Hannah Montana The Movie or Disney's Hannah Montana franchise, it is hard to obtain a coherent thought from the most ardent critics. Their writings make no sense. Their comments read like gibberish. The only idea that is successfully communicated is that they do not like Hannah Montana. The reasons for their dislike are vague and hard to discern. The one thought that did come to mind after reading comments from Hannah Montana critics was the following scripture verses:

"And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." John 3:19-21.

It seems that making a movie that projects the positive messages of remaining true to who you are (and not selling your soul for fame and/or fortune), keeping faith with your family and friends, and enjoying your life on the way to the fulfillment of your dreams is somehow not worthy of filmmaking - or so the critics would have their readers believe. That is a sad commentary on such critics in the entertainment industry (pun intended). Moviegoers everywhere would do well to be very careful about relying on movie critics when determining which movie to see. Movie critics are not always objective in their comments. Much of what they write seems to be due to bitterness about the success of others. Using the scripture verses given above, the following could be concluded: Their deeds are evil. They love darkness (evil) rather than light (good). They hate light (good) because light exposes their evil (bitter envy towards the success and good fortune of others).

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