One Ebony Voice

The thoughts and views of an African-American...


The Nativity Story

Don't Let Anyone Hinder Your Celebration of Christmas

Reve' M. Pete, D. T. S.

Christmas is a celebration of The Anointed One, Who is Jesus Christ, the Messiah. It is a joyous time to remember and reflect upon His Immaculate Conception, Birth in Bethlehem, Circumcision in the Temple, Gifts of the Magi, and flight into Egypt. The love for mankind demonstrated by God the Father and His Son, Jesus (God gave His Son and the Son gave His life), is cherished and reflected as men give gifts to one another.

Unfortunately, there are some who seek to hinder this joyous celebration with questions concerning the date of Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem. Should one allow their joyous celebration to be hindered or diminished by such questions? While pondering this, consider the following Scripture:

"...God...calls those things which do not exist as though they did." Romans 4:17

About December 25th

Although December 25 is celebrated as the day Jesus was born, the truth is He was NOT born on December 25. Jesus was borm on September 29 during the Feast of Tabernacles.1 However there is still a very important reason to celebrate Jesus on December 25. (Count nine months from December 25 and see what you get!)

The Immaculate Conception took place on December 25!2 The Immaculate Conception is when the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Ghost. Remember, God calls those things that be not as though they were.

When Jesus was actually born in Bethlehem, God the Father sent a Heavenly Host to say, "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:10-14) This praise was actually looking ahead 33 years to Jesus' Sacrifice of Himself for the sins of mankind. When Jesus was born, God the Father considered Jesus' Sacrifice at Calvary a done deal! So He celebrated it by having a Heavenly Host offer praises. This celebration of mankind's redemption through Jesus' Blood was done 33 years before that redemption actually happened.

Similarly, when the Virgin Mary consented to God's Will for her life as told to her by the angel Gabriel, as far as God was concerned, Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem was a done deal! This deal was celebrated when Mary went to see her relative, Elizabeth, the expecting mother of John the Baptist. When Elizabeth heard Mary's voice, John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth's womb! From there, Elizabeth and Mary began a joyous celebration of praise to God for the marvelous things He had done. (Luke 1:26-56)

There are many who do not believe Jesus was conceived by a virgin. If Jesus had not been conceived of the Holy Ghost, He would have been born in sin and shaped in iniquity just like the rest of mankind. He would have not been able to redeem anyone because He would have needed redemption Himself. But because Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost, He came here sinless. He lived His life remaining sinless all the way to Calvary's Cross. There He became sin, but not with His own sin. It was with the sins of mankind. Jesus paid te price for sin and broke the power of sin over mankind. He also broke Satan's power over mankind.

So we who celebrate Jesus on December 25 have every right and a very good reason to do so. We are celebrating freedom from sin and Satan that is available through Jesus Christ. Relative to Jesus' life, on December 25, faith called those things that be not as though they were.


1Bullinger, E. W. The Companion Bible. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1990. Appendix 179: Parallel Datings of th Times of Our Lord, pp 198-200.

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