One Ebony Voice

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Faith and Homeland Security

Reve' M. Pete, D. T. S.

As the new Obama Administration takes shape, many Americans are concerned because of the changes by executive order of national security policies implemented during the George W. Bush Administration. In particular, there is concern that closing the detention center for terrorists without having somewhere for detained terrorists to go will increase our nation's risk of another terrorist attack. During this time of change, it is important to remember that faith can play a huge role in maintaining the safety and security of our nation.

Citizens who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord have at their disposal the powerful resource of prayer. This resource is a spiritual weapon that can be deployed to request that God our Heavenly Father fill our national leaders with wisdom to implement the right policies and use the proper procedures that will maintain the highest level of security for our nation. In Proverbs 21:1, the Word of God says, the Lord turns the heart of kings in His hands. Proverbs 4:7 says wisdom is the principle thing and admonishes to get wisdom and understanding. God our Heavenly Father is more than willing to turn the hearts of our national leaders so that their decisions regarding national security will be effective. He is willing to do this because He loves and is concern for ALL people, not just Christians. Remember, this is the same God who sacrificed His Son so that ALL have an opportunity to obtain everlasting life. (John 3:16) The Word of God also says, if God sacrificed His Son for us, how shall He not give us all things freely? (Romans 8:32) Since God loves everyone, He is more than wiling to steer our national leaders in the right direction and fill them will the wisdom they need to get the job done. However, in order for God our Heavenly Father to move on our behalf, we must ask Him to do so. This is why we pray. Our prayers are the exercising of our faith.

During these dangerous times, we should not leave it up to chance that our national leaders will "do the right thing". We should pray for them, asking God our Heavenly Father to give them the strength and courage to implement the right policies and procedures, even if those policies and procedures are unpopular. Our leaders need our prayers as much as they needed our votes. We citizens need peace that passes all understanding, which comes when we cast our cares on the Lord and trust Him to take care of us. Let us all exercise our faith and trust God for the safety and security of our nation.

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