Food for Thought
The Healing Powers of Gratitude
Think about the role gratitudeplays in maintaining a positive outlook. A greatful attitude improves mood and overall health. It also enhances long-term happiness.
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- Gratitude Improves Self-Esteem
An attitude of gratitude can help one feel better about a situation. This can lead to feeling better about oneself.
- Gratitude Reduces Depression
People who practice gratitude journaling are less likely to become depressed.
- Gratitude Helps On Sleep Better
People who practice gratitude journaling before bedtime can feel great in the morning.
- Gratitude Aids in Recovery from Substance Abuse
Practicing an attitude of gratitude helps individuals gain strength to live a healthier and happier life.
- Gratitude Brings Calm
An attitude of gratitude can help one put aside worries. Thinking in the present can do wonders. Peaceful thoughts help many.
- Gratitude Can Lower Blood Pressure
People with hypertension have lowered their blood pressure by counting their blessings.
- Gratitude Reduces Focus on Materialism
An attitude of gratitude can help one put aside worries. Thinking in the present can do wonders. Peaceful thoughts help many.
- Gratitude Increases Mindfulness of Others
Gratitude decreases self-centeredness. Grateful people are more likely to share with others.
- Gratitude Draws People to You
People enjoy being around other people who seem grateful. Gratitude makes people seem appreciative, social, and trustworthy.
- Gratitude Cultivates Optimism
Increase optimism by gratitude journaling. The more you thonk about what you are grateful for, the more optimistic you become.
- Gratitude Makes One Happier
To enhance long-term happiness and well-being, journal for five minutes a day. To feel more positive, write down what you alreay have that you are grateful for.
- Gratitude Improves Quality of Life
Gratitude and optimism can improve quality of life. When recovering from a serious illness, approach recovery with an attitude of gratitude.
- 28 Benefits of Gtatitude & Most Significant Research Findings" by Courtney E. Ackerman, Msc., positivepsyvhology.com, January 9, 2020.
- Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier, health.harvard.edu, accessed October 6, 2020.
- "Between Friends", Winter 2020, Physicians Mutual
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