One Ebony Voice

The thoughts and views of an African-American...

Why Did the Civil War Happen?

Reve' M. Pete, D. T. S.

"If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'" John 8:31-32

"Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; But the posterity of the righteous will be delivered." Proverbs 11:21

"Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; Though they join forces, none will go unpunished." Proverbs 16:5

"Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34

Why did the Civil War happen? It happened because sin does not go unpunnised. The wages of sin is death. The institution of Slavery was a sin that was never repented from and forsaken. Therefore it and all who were attached to it became subject to the spiritual law that sin yields death. Death in this instance manifested in the forn of the Civil War.

Caucasian-Americans need to tell the truth about the devastation that resulted from the Civil War because many African-Americans believe Caucasian-Americans "got away with murder" that was the cruelties of Institutionalized Slavery. The truth is Caucasian-Americans DID NOT "get away with murder". Quite the contrary. Nevertheless, many African-Americans wonder, "Where was God?" in the midst of all the sin of Slavery. He was right where His Word said He would be -- watching over His Word to perform it. His Word said the wages of sin is DEATH!

Death is exactly what Southern Caucasian-Americans got for their sin. This death came not only in the form of lives lost during the Civil War, but death also came to their finances and their property that was destroyed in the War. African-Americans need to know the full truth about such devastation, Full knowledge of such devastation may be the only thing that can begin the true healing that is needed in this nation.

Institutionalized Slavery was an outward manifestation of pride, arrogance and the evil way. These things the Lord hates. (Proverbs 6:16-19) All those sins outlined in Proverbs 6:16-19 were a part of the way of life that characterized the Institution of Slavery. Not only does God hate those things, He also states that those who fear Him (reverence and worship Him) also hate those things. (Proverbs 8:13) Not only does God hate such sin, He also emphatically states that such sin WILL NOT go unpunished! (Proverbs 11:21; 16:5) Herein lies the reason for the Civil War. It was judgment on the South for the sin of Slavery.

Unfortunately, there were persons whose hearts were hardened just as Pharoah's heart was hardened in the days of old when God told him through Moses, "Let My people go". Pharoah refused until the Angel of Death took the firstborn throughout the Land of Egypt. Then Pharoah relinquished the Children of Israel, but only long enough for God to get them safely out of Egypt. Pharoah HAD NOT TRULY REPENTED. Therefore he pursued the Children of Israel and met his own doom in the Red Sea!

Although the South lost the Civil War, there were many who had not truly repented (had a change of heart and mind that results in a change of behavior) regarding Slavery. They lost the Institution of Slavery to the 16th Amendment and the Emancipation Proclamation. However their hearts were never made right with God. Hense other vile institutions were created and enacted, such as Jim Crow segregation. They also put up monuments to remember the glory of "the good old days' of Slavery and to perpetuate lies and myths to pass on to their children. However this evil also did not go unpunished. Many people became sick with diseases the doctors could not cure. Such diseases were so bad that God in His mercy raised up healing evangelists such as Oral Roberts, Kathrine Kulhman, and others to address the situation. Unfortunately for African-Americans, the significance of what God was doing got lost in the religious errors in teaching regarding God and healing, as well as His use of healing evangelists to minister to the sick. African-Americans missed the truth that SIN DOES NOT GO UNPUNISHED!

Now we come to the present where racial police brutality is happening. Among the honorable cops who serve their our communities with distinction, there are those who dishonor their noble profession by their abuse of authority, cruelty and murder. Nevertheless, be it known, SUCH SIN WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED! While there is a push for justice and new legislation to prevent future misused of authority -- and there should be such efforts -- be mindful that God also sees and cares. He WILL deal with the guilty whether or not man's justice is enacted. Perpetrators be warned. Repent now and turn your lives to God. He is a healer and deliverer of the sin sick soul.

As African-Americans, let us cleanse our hearts before God so as not to miss Him. "The pure in heart shall see God." We need to SEE Him when judgment on evil happens, so that we will not become bitter. Bitterness defiles. NO ONE gets away with evil. God will deal with evil in His own time.

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